Ofrecemos servicios especializados en mecano-soldadura metálica para la fabricación de conjuntos y estructuras metálicas de alta resistencia y durabilidad. Nuestro proceso combina técnicas avanzadas de ensamblaje y soldadura para crear productos robustos y adaptados a las especificaciones técnicas de cada cliente, ideales para aplicaciones en los sectores de energía, tratamiento de agua, aire comprimido e industria en general. Con un equipo de soldadores cualificados y maquinaria de última generación, realizamos soldaduras de precisión que garantizan uniones seguras y acabados de alta calidad. Este servicio es ideal para la creación de componentes y estructuras metálicas a medida que deben soportar condiciones exigentes. Nos adaptamos a diferentes tipos de metales y aleaciones, ofreciendo soluciones duraderas que cumplen con los más altos estándares de calidad industrial.
Transtac Lamellen bieten eine wesentliche Arbeitserleichterung, wenn Material herein bzw. heraus transportiert werden muss. Werkstücke können, ohne abgesetzt zu werden, sicher durch die Lamellenschutzvorhänge geschoben werden. Transtac Schweißerschutzlamellen schmiegen sich an ein Werkstück an und schließen sich von selbst wieder, ohne Lichtblitze oder Funkenflug nach draußen dringen zu lassen. Das Material ist in Standardlängen oder in kundenspezifischen Längen oder als Rollenware bezogen werden
Vorteile von Rollenware:
-Schnell lieferbar
-Anpassung der Lamellen vor Ort
-Individuelle Länge möglich, insbesondere bei Reparaturen
-Breiten: 300mm (2mm und 3mm) und 570mm (1mm)
-Materialstärken: ca. 1mm, 2mm oder 3mm
-Rollenlänge: bis 50m
-verfügbar als Schweißerschutz-Lamellen (DIN EN ISO 25980) in den Farben
rotorange (T40), rotbraun (T50), eurogrün (T55) und dunkelgrün matt (T75M)
-verfügbar als Schutzlamellen (z.B.
La Combined Laser (GAR Series) è una macchina per il taglio laser versatile che presenta una piattaforma doppia e capacità di taglio laser per tubi. Con opzioni di potenza laser che vanno da 1500W a 6000W e diverse dimensioni dell'area di lavoro, questa macchina è progettata per gestire una vasta gamma di compiti di taglio con precisione. Il suo design robusto e le caratteristiche avanzate la rendono una scelta ideale per le industrie che desiderano migliorare le proprie operazioni di taglio e ottenere risultati di alta qualità.
Spécialiste en emballages et conditionnements métalliques, notre entreprise propose une vaste gamme de produits, des boîtes sérigraphiées aux capsules en plastique pour emballage. Nous excellons dans la production de boîtes métalliques lithographiées et décorées, adaptées aux exigences des secteurs alimentaire et cosmétique. En tant que fabricant d’emballages métalliques, nous offrons des solutions sur mesure, y compris des bidons fer blanc alimentaires, boites standards ou personnalisées, ainsi que des couvercles et fonds pour boites composites.
Nos installations sont équipées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l'industrie, avec une gamme incluant des emballages métalliques industriels et alimentaires, ainsi que des accessoires estampés et embossés. Nous assurons la conformité de nos emballages homologués pour les matières dangereuses et offrons des boîtes cylindriques, des boîtes de conserve métalliques pour huile d'olive, et des bidons en métal.
Volume:250 ml
Qté / palette 800 x 1200:2431
Qté / palette 1120 x 1420:3960
Los tornillos para bridas de ESINSA son componentes esenciales para asegurar uniones seguras y duraderas en aplicaciones industriales. Fabricados con materiales de alta calidad, estos tornillos ofrecen una resistencia excepcional a la corrosión y al desgaste, garantizando un rendimiento confiable incluso en las condiciones más exigentes. Son ideales para industrias que requieren un alto nivel de seguridad y durabilidad en sus sistemas de unión.
Con una amplia gama de tamaños y configuraciones disponibles, los tornillos para bridas de ESINSA se adaptan a cualquier necesidad específica. Además, ofrecemos un servicio de asesoramiento técnico para ayudarle a seleccionar los componentes adecuados para su aplicación. Al elegir ESINSA, puede estar seguro de que está optando por productos que cumplen con los más altos estándares de calidad y rendimiento, asegurando la integridad de sus sistemas.
Die Schweißtechnologie von MX Prototyping bietet vielseitige Schweißverfahren, die von qualifiziertem Personal durchgeführt werden. Wir können die Werkstoffe Magnesium, Aluminium, Stahl und Edelstahl verarbeiten und bieten eine umfassende Lösung für alle Schweißanforderungen. Unsere Schweißverfahren, darunter CMT-Roboterschweißen mit Dreh-/Kipp-Positionierer, MIG-, MAG- und WIG-Schweißen, Lichtbogenbolzenschweißen und Punktschweißen, sind auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik und bieten höchste Präzision und Effizienz.
Unsere Schweißtechnologie ist das Ergebnis eines strengen Qualitätsmanagements und eines nahtlosen Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Technik. Wir setzen auf eine kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik, die sicherstellt, dass jedes Teil, das unser Werk verlässt, den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
Le HAWO Les machines de thermoscellage rotatives en continu HPL 500 et 3000 sont des dispositifs leaders sur le marché conçus pour des projets d'emballage industriels et médicaux.
Ces machines conviennent à tous les types de films laminés, qu’ils soient monocouches ou multicouches. emballages souples matériaux.
Afin de répondre aux exigences strictes de qualité et de sécurité de la norme EN ISO 11607-2, cette machine de thermoscellage est disponible en deux configurations. Soit un 'RÉ' pour les exigences d'emballage non validables, ou «DV» cela vient complet avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires valables pour les secteurs médical, pharmaceutique et de la santé.
Avec l'une ou l'autre machine, vous avez l'assurance d'un produit «meilleur de sa catégorie» qui garantit une qualité d'étanchéité optimale et constante.
Cette machine produit des largeurs d'étanchéité de 6 mm (0.24 pouces) mais peut être produite plus large sur demande.
Spawanie MIG aluminium do Grubość do 20mm. We specialize in metal joining services. The welding offer is aimed at both private customers and entrepreneurs who want to obtain the highest quality welded joints. Our employees have the necessary certificates confirming their authorization to perform this type of service.
Our offer includes, among others:
aluminum welding ,
welding of stainless steel materials,
welding of carbon steel and cast iron using MAG, MIG and TIG methods,
coated electrode welding (MMA).
We also use other methods. We approach each order with great commitment and make every effort to fully satisfy the Client. We use modern devices that allow welding of heavy and massive structures made of various types of steel. We have appropriately adapted welding stations and an overhead crane, thanks to which we can connect large and heavy elements.
Home pageSeparatorWelding services Aluminum weldingSeparator
welded aluminum angle
Aluminum welding
Aluminum is a metal with low mass and high strength, which is characterized by high corrosion resistance. Low price and possibility of recycling make it widely used in industrial, electronic and automotive sectors. In order to fully use the potential of this material, it is necessary to ensure proper welding . Using our services, you can be sure that the weld will be durable, resistant to cracks and free from defects.
Aluminum welding – methods
We weld aluminum using alternating current (AC). The metal has a relatively low melting point, which makes joining it not the easiest. Before starting the procedure, we always determine whether we are dealing with a pure element or casting alloys. Very often, admixtures play a key role in selecting the right operating parameters.
Arflex Construction specialists most often perform MIG and TIG welding. Both methods require the use of a neutral shielding gas. MIG is used in welding metals with a thickness greater than 1 mm. In turn, TIG can be used when welding very thin sheets of aluminum. For this purpose, we use a non-consumable tungsten electrode with an inert gas shield, which is characterized by a very high melting point, and the arc is lit in a stable manner. When choosing the TIG method, it is worth using alternating current, which allows you to keep the weld pool clean and easily remove metal oxides formed on the metal surface.
The offer of robotic machine building can apply to all kinds of production-related activities and more. We provide fully automated as well as semi-automated devices - all depending on the customer's preferences and company requirements. Above all, we care about high quality, increased productivity and safety.
When designing robotic machines, we use modern and proven solutions from leading manufacturers such as:
Kawasaki Robotics.
We design and build new workstations, as well as deal with robotization of existing production processes. We encourage you to contact us - just specify your expectations and we will try to design devices that will meet them.
MSA-Five ist eine modulare Laserbearbeitungsplattform, die Lösungen für Schweiß- und Reinigungsoperationen integriert. Durch die nahtlose Integration von Robotern oder Mehrachsen mit spezifischen Lasern für den Prozess und Köpfen kann das System für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen angepasst werden. Die Produktivität wird durch die Einbeziehung eines Drehtisches oder von Förderbändern weiter optimiert, was die automatisierte oder halbautomatisierte Handhabung von Komponenten während der Bearbeitung ermöglicht.
Mit der Serie MSA-Five können folgende Laserprozesse durchgeführt werden:
- Laserbearbeitung für Schweißen, autogenes Schweißen, Reinigung und Strukturierung
- Integration von Diodenlasern, Faserlasern und ultrakurzen Pulslasern in Wellenlängen von 532 nm bis 1080 nm
*Europe Delivery*
New Generation of Laser Welding.
Our laser welding machines are at the forefront of technology and are present across various industries, including aerospace, medical, space, automotive, and others.
- 10x Faster Welding
- Seamless Welds Without Finishing
- Easy to Use
- 70% Less Material Overheating
Our laser welding machines weigh 43 kg, compared to water-cooled models that weigh over 200 kg.
Simplified Workflow:
40 Preset Settings for All Materials and Thicknesses.
Operating the entire machine with just 3 buttons simplifies your work and makes the production process even easier
Advanced Cooling System:
Patented gas air-cooling technology enables 24-hour operation.
Can weld Stainless steel, Carbon steel, Brass, and Aluminium up to 6mm thick.
Our company boasts six advanced CNC gantry machining centers, designed to handle the precision processing of large and complex components with unmatched accuracy and efficiency. These machines are capable of machining parts with dimensions up to 6,000 mm in length and 2,000 mm in width, making them ideal for a wide range of industrial applications.
Key Features of Our CNC Gantry Centers:
Versatility: Capable of handling diverse materials and manufacturing customized large-scale components, from prototypes to full production runs.
High Precision: State-of-the-art technology ensures superior accuracy, meeting the demanding tolerances required by industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, and heavy machinery.
Complex Geometry: Ideal for machining intricate shapes, curves, and structures, addressing even the most challenging design specifications.
Efficiency and Scalability: Optimized for high-volume production, with rapid setup times and multi-axis capabilities to streamline the manufacturing process.
With these robust CNC gantry machining centers, we deliver reliable, high-quality results tailored to your specific needs, whether it’s custom parts, tooling, or high-precision industrial components. Trust us to bring your most ambitious projects to life with our expertise and advanced equipment.
FERTINGER TUBES GmbH geschweißte Aluminiumrohre für verschiedene Anwendungen.
Ladeluftkühlerrohre, Rundrohre, D-Rohre, Flachovalrohre, Dimple- und Doppelkammerrohre, Manifolds für Kondenser, Manifolds für Batteriekühler, Ölkühlerrohre
Produktion von mehr als 50 Mio. Stück Aluminiumrohre pro Jahr, Schweißen von Rohren, Sägen, Weiterverarbeitung, Lamellen-Einschub, Abmessungen von 8 mm bis 105 mm, Wandstärke von 0,25 mm bis 2,2 mm
WELDEX d.o.o. is a company specialized for metal processing by laser and water cutting, bending and welding, among which it also offers construction metal ware assembly, facade and roof panels assembly, pipeline and steam line isolation.
A soldadura MIG-MAG (Metal Inert Gas - Metal Active Gas) é uma técnica de soldadura avançada que oferece resultados rápidos, eficientes e de alta qualidade. A nossa equipa especializada utiliza equipamentos de última geração para garantir soldadura com qualidade certificada e com acabamento impecável em diversos tipos de materiais, como aço carbono, aço inoxidável e alumínio.
Este processo é ideal para aplicações industriais, reparos e fabrico de peças metálicas, trabalhamos em ambientes que exigem precisão e agilidade. A soldadura MIG-MAG traz vantagens pela sua capacidade de produzir em quantidade com qualidade. num curto espaço de tempo.
Zapraszam do współpracy.
Przyjmę zlecenia na prace ślusarsko- spawalnicze i montażowe maszyn i urządzeń.
Posiadamy zaplecze projektowe i park maszynowy (laser; frezowanie; waterjet; prasa krawędziowa, etc.)
Spawanie z atestem ISO.
Montaż maszyn i urządzeń.
Możemy przygotować dokumentację wykonawczą i złożeniową.
Certyfikat CE.
Bardzo wysokie kompetencje w materiałach nierdzewnych i kwasoodpornych.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Alttan emişli kaynak ve taşlama masaları, kaynak ve taşlama işlemleri sırasında oluşan zararlı toz ve dumanları etkili bir şekilde emerek, çalışma ortamının hava kalitesini artırır. Bu masalar, işçilerin solunum alanına zararlı maddelerin girmesini engelleyerek, iş sağlığı ve güvenliğini artırır. Yüksek performanslı filtreleme teknolojisi ile donatılmış olan bu masalar, enerji tasarrufu sağlayarak işletme maliyetlerini düşürür. Alttan emişli masalar, kolay kurulum ve bakım imkanı sunar. Çeşitli sektörlerde kullanılabilen bu masalar, işletmelerin üretim süreçlerini optimize eder. İşletmenizin ihtiyaçlarına göre özelleştirilebilir ve geniş bir yelpazede çözümler sunar. Uzun ömürlü ve dayanıklı yapısıyla, işletmenizin verimliliğini artırmak için ideal bir tercihtir.
I am Eli from jining Yiyang Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd China
Our company mainly produces CNC plasma equipment, CNC laser equipment and steel bar processing equipment, and has 13 years of experience in production, research and development, and after-sales in the industry.
my whatsapp number :
Gillani Mechanics Gloves are designed for those who work with their hands and require both protection and dexterity. Featuring an Armortex Kevlar palm and rubber-injected protection, these gloves offer superior grip and durability. The microfiber palm and TPR protection ensure that your hands are safe from cuts and abrasions while maintaining flexibility for intricate tasks.
These gloves are perfect for mechanics, technicians, and anyone who needs reliable hand protection in demanding environments. With a range of materials and designs to choose from, Gillani Mechanics Gloves provide the perfect balance of comfort and safety. Experience the peace of mind that comes with wearing gloves that are built to withstand the toughest jobs.
Wire Woven Meshes open new possibilities for architects, engineers, and designers by offering creative solutions for both functional and aesthetic purposes. These meshes can be used in various applications, including facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, and urban furniture. Manufactured from materials like stainless steel, aluminium, brass, and copper, wire woven meshes enhance design and creativity, modernizing spaces with their unique designs.
MaffGroup creative metals open new possibilities to architects, engineers, designers, spaces and ephemeral assembling specialists in order to dispose of creative solutions both for functional character and aesthetic one.
Any metal mesh aplication is possible: facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, false ceilings, urban furniture...Spaces are renovated and modernized when using metal cloth of suprising designs.
Metal meshes are manufactured in stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, special alloys, etc., a range of possibilities that enhance design and creativity.
Our company is here to supply your steel construction, hydraulic tank, accumulator console, valve stand and special machinery needs in your various projects. Our aim is to provide the most suitable solutions to our customers by providing high quality engineering services. Our team has the required knowledge and experience to actualize your projects at the highest standards.
We provide design and production services for industrial manufacturing machines, from initial sketch to fully built and commissioned machine with PLC controls, integrated safety etc.
The PX110-30 Electric Rotating Machine is a state-of-the-art solution for applications requiring continuous 360° rotation. With a platform diameter of Ø30mm and a load capacity of 5kgs, this machine is ideal for precision optical applications. The machine features a worm gear drive mechanism with a 64:1 ratio, ensuring smooth and accurate rotational motion. Its stepper motor with a 1.8° step angle offers precise control, making it suitable for high-precision tasks.
Equipped with advanced accuracy specifications, the PX110-30 machine provides exceptional performance with a design resolution of 0.03° and a repeatability of 0.05°. Its robust construction and high-quality components ensure reliable performance and longevity. The machine's compact design makes it suitable for applications with limited space, while its high accuracy ensures optimal results. With PDV's commitment to quality and precision, the PX110-30 Electric Rotating Machine is an excellent choice for users seeking reliable and high-performance rotational motion solutions.
Prodajamo fiber diske iz keramike druge generacije. To so fiber diski ki so namenjeni brušenju ravnih površin kjer je potreben visok in hiter odjem materiala. To so najboljši fiber diski na trgu in pridejo v dveh različicah in sicer za brušenje jekla in brušenje nerjavečega jekla. Ta izdelek odlikuje dolga življenska doba saj se zrna iz keramike konstantno lomijo intako ohranjajo ostre robove skozi celotno življensko dobo.
We manufactured the steel constructions and with the help of our team assembled the complete hangar structure on location.
Welded HEM - HEB Profiles
S355JR2+N Construction steel profiles are laser cut and welded.
Hot Dip Galvanizing
Most of the parts are hot dip galvanized in our own facility and cleaned to provide perfect quality.
Project includes painting of steel construction.
Our team professionally arranged the steel construction assembly of the complete hangar.
Our Projects
Total Tonnage
220 Tonnes
ItalyWe make constructions of steel beams, welded and hot dip galvanized. Our capabilities include sheet steel laser cutting, profile laser cutting, profile hollow section bending, sheet steel pressing, fabrication, certified welding, hot dip galvanizing, electrostatic painting, machining of steel parts, civil constructions, solar panel structures, solar trackers, gutters, chimneys, fences, ladders.
Solar Industry
Solar panel structures, solar trackers, construction of solar panel bases, steel and galvanized steel fabrication.
Wind Energy
Wind turbine constructions, engine housing, steel foundation of wind turbines, fabricated steel parts.
Power Plants
Welded steel fabrications for power plant infrastructure, façades, panels, platforms.
Hydro Energy
Stainless steel turbine housing fabrication, welded steel constructions for dams, hydroenergy plants, general steel structures.Building & Construction
Our works include many different designs and steel structures for building industry and construction works for industrial and accomodation purposes.
Façades & Exterior Constructions
Steel façades, steel ladder constructions, metal platforms, metal bases, industrial ceilings, steel fences, welded metal fences, steel balcony guards.
Water Management
Chimneys, grouts, rain gutters, steel ventilation, drip edges, snow guards, steel roof caps, general steel fabrications for homebuilding and protection.
General Steel Works
Fences, ladders, steel bases, steel ceilings, stairs, steel fabrication of balconies.
Our previous experience shows numerous successful projects and tenders in steel fabrication of infrastructure industry.
Steel Infrastructure
Steel constructions of roads, steel galvanzied street lamps, telecommunication towers, electrical towers, steel road fences.
Civil Works
Steel fabrication thrash cans, steel garbage bins, steel railings.
Cable Cars & Funiculars
We are experienced in transportation industry as well as steel constructions of cable cars and welded fabrications of structures of funiculars.
Cable Car Construction
Welded, galvanized or painted steel parts for cable cars, complete cable car steel constructions.
Funicular Station Structures
Steel fabrication works for funicular stations, ropeways, transportation parts, metal constructions.
Our engineers’ experience allows us to work seamlessly with machinery production companies for steel constructions.
Machinery Construction
Welded, machined, galvanized or painted structures and steel constructions of machinery.
Serial Production
Serial manufacturing of machine structures, stainless steel parts, laser cut steel works.
Interior Decor & Furniture
Our production includes sheet steel laser cutting, laser steel profile cutting, that are perfect for production of interior decor and furniture projects.
Interior Decor
Steel ladders for home and building interiors, fabricatel metal railings for homes, winter garden steel constructions.
Furniture & Appliances
Production of furniture steel parts, welded furniture fabrication,.
Custom Projects
Steel fabricated works for interior architecture projects, custom designed production of steel structures.
General Construction
We are open and able in different sectors that require welded constructions. For any grand project we will engage our team for best construction works.
Depos, Silos, Containers
Stainless steel welded chemical depo production, stainless steel silo fabrication, steel containers for energy, prefabrics, homebuilding, industrial metal containers.
Warehouse and Hangars
Façades for warehouse and hangars, steel fabricated support structures, steel bases, complete steel welding constructions.
About Us
We as Kosovo Engineering Projects LLC are a company in the prestigious Innovation and Technology Park in Prizren. We provide high quality machining and welding projects for various industries. Our goal is to increase the dynamics and capabilities of Kosovo’s industry.
We are a group of engineers, operators, welders and technicians who have tens of years of experience working with companies in the European Union. Our approach to steelworks projects are always detailed, refined and quality oriented.
Es una máquina automática de alta velocidad de fabricación que no requiere operarios, requiere bajo consumo de energía y responde a diversidad de medidas.
Podemos fabricar paneles o rollos de malla electrosoldada para construcción o reja de acero y cerca metálica, en cualquier diámetro de varilla de acero trefilado. Resulta ideal para fabricar malla metálica de refuerzo de concreto, paneles de construcción y malla de seguridad para cercados, en poco espacio y sin ruido. Las mallas electrosoldadas son altamente consumidas en las construcciones. Bien sea para refuerzo de concreto en las cimentaciones o para paneles de construcción más delgados al interior de las casas.
High quality at competitive prices.
Top of the line production machines.
Able to work with all types of steel: wire, sheet metal, tubes.
Laser cutting, robot welding, powder coating and electrolytic zinc plating, all inhouse